You have to talk the talk

February 13, 2012 § 14 Comments

We’ve looked at Twitter, talked a little about YouTube and some other tools. There are a host of social media tools out there that can be useful to you and your organization. We’re going to explore them.

How: Teams of two will take one of these tools and investigate. You’ll answer these questions, then write up what you’ve found as a comment to this blog post. That way all of your colleagues can see the results. Each team will get a maximum of 10 points. 

What is it?

What does it do?

Why is it valuable for a social media plan? Who would be more likely to use it?

How would I use it?

What’s a good example of a business/nonprofit using the tool?

Can you find a review of the tool? What do reviews say?

Include links to the tool and to at least one good example.


The tools:

1. Delicious

2. Reddit

3, Digg

4, Scrumbler

5, Instagram

6. Stumbleupon

7. Yelp

8. Posterous

9. Tumblr

10. Blipper

11. Twitalyzer

12. Foursquare

13. Skitch

14. Qik

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